Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Online Poker Player Burns Down Own House in Fit of Rage
"It was just too much, I snapped. He's lucky this wasn't a live game or I probably would have reached over the table and snapped his neck," Scalio said later in an interview.
The_river_rat reportedly was, "bragging about how he was such a great poker player and telling [Scaglio] how bad [he] was. He kept hitting the tiniest percentage cards imaginable...he's just a donkey, he sucks, and I kept getting sucked out on...its not fair."
Scalilo then began hurling insults at his opponent aimed at his manhood and family. Some examples from context were, "I fucked your wife in the ass last night...then she sucked me off while I ate out your daughter," and, "I hope you are killed by drowning in a wave of penises at penis high tide so you can finally see what one looks like you cockless fucker."
Eventually the rat was unable to take the insults anymore so he signed off, which prompted Scales to fly off the handle and set his house on fire along with the neighbors' shed, presumably because he didn't have his own shed to burn.
The police say they completely understand where he's coming from, they've had nights like that. As a completely unrelated side note, the cops in the area allow an illegal gambling ring to continue to operate as long as they can play and get sizable kickbacks in the form of hookers and booze. They also received matching tote bag/underwear sets.
While I don't not condone gambling of any kind, I find it completely immoral and socially unacceptable for a man to be tortured mentally in the way that Scalaningnang was, therefore I issue the following challenge to the rat, stop playing so shittily, your ridiculous luck can't last forever. Inversely, if it does last forever, give me money, I need to get one of those fully automated sex dolls and I can't afford it.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Man Thinks He's God, God is Unamused
The man, who's name is Woodrow Johnston, is being kept without bail. He was heard to say, "This is an outrage, I'm God, I could just walk out of here anytime I want to...but that's against my will. I want to talk to my lawyer! I have a lawyer?...Wait...why am I here again?"
It is assumed he was smoking large amounts of marijuana and perhaps had even eaten some magic mushrooms before going on his tirade. In interviews with people who were in the church at the time, the tone was overwhelmingly aggravated, partly shocked, and slightly gassy.
A man who asked to remain anonymous said, "If that guy is God, I'll eat my shoe. He thinks that just because he's wearing sandals he's like Jesus? His long hair makes him my savior? Just because everyone persecutes him he's a deity now? C'mon, it takes more than that, where's his white robe? Where's the water into wine? I mean, sure I'm a recovering alcoholic, but if God turned water into wine for me I'd get wasted." He then farted.
The police at the scene were cheered on as they clubbed Johnston about the head for a good 15 minutes with batons and eventually resorted to kicking him in the side. They then told him to regain consciousness immediately so he could be taken to prison, when he refused, they used a stun gun on him several times.
Through spokesman, the Reverend Al Sharpton, God showed his disapproval, "God is very displeased with this outburst, in a house of Him no less. Was it not Him who said, 'You will have no other Me's before Me?' Was it not Him who used a golden calf to show how gold has hypnotizing powers? Was it not Him who killed Bowser on the third level?! Wait a minute...where was I? Anyway, He's pissed."
After several minutes of confusion the crowd roared an approving, "AMEN BROTHER!"
In the meantime, Johnston awaits trial and is expected to receive four consecutive life sentences for being such a dirty hippy. As for God, he continues to rule with an iron fist striking down wives and mothers, fathers and sons, dogs and cats with reckless abandon. I guess the good thing about being King of the Universe is never having to apologize.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Crack Laced with Arsenic Kills When Taken Incorrectly
The young man's name cannot be divulged because he was 12, but good friends say he's been smoking for at least nine or ten years.
A friend of the boy's known only as "Bullet" said, "Yeah maybe I'm 37 and I shouldn't be hanging out with a 12 year old kid. Maybe I should quit smokin' crack. Maybe I should stop blowing dudes for quarters, maybe I shouldn't kill people on the street in broad daylight, but lets be real, that shit ain't gonna happen. [Censored] was a good kid, ain't that some shit, for a motherfucker to be sellin' poison crack, everybody always tells me to stop puttin' that poison in me. What my boy smoked was the fuckin' poison." Bullet then pulled out his dual gats clicked them together and proclaimed, "The hunt is on motherfuckers, I'm comin' for you!" As he was running across the street he was struck and killed by an SUV.
When I talked to the boy's dealer, Dikembe Mutumbo (no relation to the basketball player) he tried to play it cool saying, "Yeah I killed the motherfucker. He was eyein' my lady friend [$3 hooker]. I don't take that kinda shit from no midget...he was what?...he was 12? Sheeit, I thought he was just short, oops. Ain't nobody gonna miss that little crackhead anyway, he was in here ten, maybe fifteen times a week, couldn't believe his little heart kept up as long as it did."
When asked if he thought it would affect his business, Mutumbo answered, "Nah, crackheads don't read the damn news."
There you have it, a little boy, fighting a decade old crack addiction succumbs to arsenic poisoning. A story that grows slightly less tragic every time we hear it. There is a lesson to be learned here and that is, always have a crack dealer you can trust, some of those motherfuckers are shady.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Bush's State of the Union Address Leaves President Exhausted and Unable to "Think Anymore" for Several Hours
In terms of health care, Bush commented that in order to help ebb the tide of rising health care costs we as a nation would have to, "Band together like a giant rubber band, or some type of really long and tough rope that would stop us from falling apart." He went on to say how we, "need to remain a healthy country if we want to be able to fight more heathens in the future." And implored Americans to, "eat plenty of salads to counteract all the McDonalds food that makes you fly if you eat enough of it." Ronald McDonald then walked onto the stage and handed the president a sack with a "$" sign on it.
In a later interview, Ronald was quoted as saying, "He's right, our stuff's just like magic pixie dust, just slightly higher in calories."
On the education front Bush cemented his intentions of following up his "No Child Left Behind" program with a "No Child Left in Class" policy in which local schools would simply stop trying to teach children who aren't geniuses. About this policy he commented, "We only need the smartest and best looking boys and girls to go to school, the rest we can just throw into the army and send 'em to Iraq where we really need help."
One of the biggest issues in the coming year as far as Bush was concerned is the end of the world. The unseasonably warm winter has gotten him into a prophesying mood, he says the Rangnarok should be arriving in 8-10 months depending on the moon beams in Elysium. Whether or not Bush is actually certifiably insane remains to be seen, but he certainly seems to tread that ledge with a tightrope walker's skill doesn't he folks?
Last but not least on his agenda was Iraq. He went on for several hours about how the war on terror is just begining and we can't lose sight of what's important. I blacked out after a few minutes because of a condition I have where I can't listen to the same thing said by the same person more than 147 times within a six year span. When I came to he was talking about how sending 20,000 more troops to Iraq was going to help them keep order. He referred back to his education program to show exactly where these new recruits would come from.
The fact that he was giving the State of the Union address in front of a Democratically controlled congress did not seem to faze the President who looked out over the audience in the begining of his speech and said, "Looking out over this crowd I see a lot of new faces and new faces mean fresh new ideas. I don't want to give ya'll the impression that I'll listen to your ideas or [stifled laughter] implement them, but I appreciate that you have them because it makes it better to defy you when you have something you care about."
Bush concluded the address by saying, "I just want to say one more thing...for anyone who thinks they can mess with America, they can't and do you know why?....I said, DO YOU KNOW WHY???...Seriously I'm asking if you know why, I can't remember anymore."
That's the President for you, why do we need a thinker when we've got an actor? It worked for Reagan. Keep going with your gut Georgie, we need you now more than tomorrow.
For the Actual SOU Address click here
New Zealand Herald Article
8 Reactions from US citizens in BBC News
Monday, January 22, 2007
Vote Hillary: She Parties Hardy
Throughout the speech she would complain about being hot and remove an article of clothing. As she removed the clothes she would swing them around above her head and then toss them out into the crowd, to the audience's great dismay. Her stockings, she slingshotted a good 25 feet into the open mouth of Alec Baldwin, who was there to lend support to her cause. He then became visibly aroused. By the end she was wearing nothing but a bra and crotchless panties.
After her initial speech she took questions from the crowd. When asked how she could make such a mockery of the country at a time when it is so desperately in need of change, she took a swig from her handy hip flask, then answered, "I cuh care less abow the country's strugglesss, i juss wanna kiss you." To which the reporter replied, "No, you're fucking gross."
Several other questions were met with derision and later loud snoring. When she woke up, there was a 15 minute crying session in which she confessed to ruining her family's life and admitted that she really loved them, and everyone.
Soon after she puked into a potted plant that was on the stage, the secret service finally managed to pull her off when she tried to take a swing at a journalist for, "lookin at [her] funny." I think we could all learn something from this brave, crazy, ugly, crazy ugly woman: beer before liquor, you've never been sicker. Liquor before beer, you're in the clear. Vote party President, vote Hillary in 2008.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Deaf, Dumb, Blind Kid: Sure Plays Mean Pinball
Organizers have said that the added events will probably tack another day onto the schedule, leaving parents and caretakers even more miserable afterwards.
We got an exclusive interview with the favorite in this year's pinball event, Eric Shun, a deaf, mute, blind man with his hopes and dreams riding on this tournament. Through an interpreter he said, "You've really just got to feel the balls, when you can't see or hear it makes pinball difficult, but sometimes you have to battle through those difficulties, I've been doing it all my life." When asked if he thought he'd win he said, "Sometimes you can never tell, all of my orifices are tough and I don't know if I can shoot them with a rifle," the interpreter added, "or something like that."
I asked if I could see him play and wow, is he bad. He kinda just shoots the ball and whacks away on the flippers. I'm pretty sure I could beat him, I don't know about eyes closed though.
In the staring contest event, the favorite is Mike "No-Lids" McGee, who has no eyelids. And in doing a math problem, the perennial favorite in events like this around the world, Stephen Hawking is expected to win handily. All of the events should be exciting. Almost as good as that day I spent watching paint dry, or the fabled week of the great grass grow watch. Either way, I'd like to wish all of the contestants good luck and let them know that though they may not be normal people, they can compete against each other for our amusement, which is even more fun...for me.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Man Claims Ghost Raped Him, Wife says He's Just Gay
In an interview the man said, "My wife didn't believe me, she thinks I've been going to the gay bar down the street, so I told her, 'If you don't believe me I'll call the paper and tell the same story to the world, I'm not ashamed!'"
The wife gave her testimony, "He was always a little queer, not flaming or anything, but you could tell the tendencies were there. I didn't think he was acting on them, but they were there. This whole ghost story is a load of horse shit, I saw him the other night come out of a gay club downtown. I know what he's been up to, getting sodomized, our marriage is a sham." She cried for quite a while after that.
The owner of the local gay club, "The Back Door" gave us the cold shoulder when we asked about the incident and if there were any gay ghosts who might frequent their establishment, "We don't discuss our customer base and....wait, did you just say ghosts? What are you a wise ass? Get the hell outta here before I call the cops."
No other ghost rapings have yet been reported in the area, but we will keep you informed on this dangerous and unsettling news. We have no reports as to whether sleeping on your back will help prevent any attacks because the attacker may not be corporeal and could come up through the bed. Please report any strange supernatural behavior to the police immediately, they are working closely with the ghostbusters on this case to bring it to a close as quickly and efficiently as possible.
US to Terrorists: Airplanes Are Made for Flying In, Not Bombing
In a statement made earlier today following the recent plane bomb scare in England, US officials said that they were afraid people originating out of the Middle East are unaware of what passenger air craft are really designed for.
President Bush said, "Yeah...I don't think you guys get what is supposed to happen on these things, you ride on 'em. When you can't be not not afraid to ride on an airplane, the terrorists win." He went on to say, "An airplane is like a good sofa, when you sit on it, it's nice, but when it blows up, you can't be very happy about that."
While I'm not really sure what the hell Bush was talking about, Condolezza Rice seemed to agree with him saying, and I quote, "I'm a huge stupid bitch." Now there's something I can get behind.
Personally, the lack of originality of the date on which these bombing were supposed to occur leads this reporter to believe that there is a lot of slacking going on inside the power structure of Al Qaeda. Hey Osama, 9/11 was a genius marketing about next time go for 6/9. Or 01/1/34, I know it's a long time to wait to kill some infidels, but if you put it in a calculator and turn it upside down, you get "hello." What a way to stick it to us.
Whatever you decide to do next Al Qaeda, try to snazz it up a little, stop going for planes, we're on to you. Here's an idea, stick a bunch of dynamite up your ass, light it and then run into the nearest gas station. Then sneak into the White House and paint moustaches on all of the portraits. Finally, when Bush isn't looking, give him a wet willy. He haaaates that.
I guess the final decision is up to you guys, but what the hell, I'll let you steal my ideas for some of those virgins in Paradise I hear so much about.
Middle East Clusterfuck: People dead, Americans indifferent
In a surprising new poll, people in the Middle East continue to not like each other. These new findings deal a big blow to the peace process there. While many involved in the warring in that area feel that they are doing things for their country and their god, another poll shows that Americans don't read news unless it is about them. In our attempt to pander to our audience, we decided to talk to some Americans and see how they feel about the situation.
Jimmy Smith was just your normal every day American until one day he heard about war breaking out between Israel and Lebanon. His world could have been turned upside down, but he kept his cool and worked to continue his way of living, "I could really care less about Israel and Lebanon," he said in a recent interview, "Why the hell should I pay attention to something going on thousands of miles away? How could that possibly affect me? Now if you'll excuse me I have to go buy $200 worth of gas."
Joe Franklin was another American who chimed in on the issue, "I hope those camel fuckers all kill themselves that way we won't have to nuke 'em," he continued, "If I was in Iraq I'd personally stick my foot up each and every one of their asses, I wish I was fuckin there man, then they'd see."
We like to see people get their wishes, so we sent good old Joe over to Iraq for free. He seemed really excited about it, so excited in fact we couldn't get him to stop yelling and screaming and kicking the whole way. Sadly we recieved word this morning that he was killed when his head was kicked in by militants in the area he was staying. It's a sad day when a wish goes bad.
We'd love to hear your reactions to the war. Post them below and let us know how you die hard patriots feel about Saddam, the Israel-Lebanon situation, Afghanistan, or anything about the Middle East. Keep it real...real American.
Blog Writers Demoralized by Falling Interest in Their Lives
Bloggers across the nation are depressed and lonely because of a lack of interest in their personal lives. While they were under the impression that most people cared that they were having boy problems, or that their cat did the funniest thing today, it turns out that no one really does. Oddly enough people still seem to care who's going out with Jennifer Lopez (not me or I would've looked it up and told you in these parentheses).
One blogger who must remain nameless because she's 15 said, "I don't understand it! I almost went all the way with Jeremy the other day, like we were rounding third and then I was just like no I can't do this and he was like come on baby and I was like I just can't but I'll help you finish if you want so then I helped him finish with my hand, and I only got five hits on my blog article about it. I thought that kind of sexy stuff made headlines. I don't think its that people don't care....they just don't know, so that's why I'm advertising my intimate sexual experiences in as many places as I can."
She later told me she was going to write in her blog all about how she got interviewed today. I can't wait!
In a piece of related news 500 underage girls were sexually assaulted today by people they met on myspace. The parents of these children banded together to complain about the popular website. The Parents Against Pedophiles (PAP) smear campaign began early last night, where they protested outside official myspace headquarters. They say they will be making demands that websites keep a strict standard of decency and protection for their use and any site that fails these PAP tests will be considered a cancer on society.
The timer for my cookies just went off. See you next time.
New Law to Ban Smoking in Thought

Originally posted: February 28, 2006
Congress recently passed a bill that bans even thinking about smoking. Coming on the heels of a law that prohibits New Jersey residents from smoking in buildings, a unanimous vote passed the decision to disallow all US citizens from even thinking about smoking. The new law calls for a fourth branch of government, which is for now being called "the thought police."
The new law goes into effect on June 1st and states that anyone caught day dreaming, reminiscing, or being curious about smoking will be executed by firing squad in front of their family. In the event that they don't have a family, the accused would simply be anally raped before and after being shot. Dick Cheney himself will be the one with the bullet in his gun and as everyone knows, his aim is spot on, especially if aiming for the head/neck/chest area.
He had this to say, "Optimally, for those with no family, they will still be alive for most of the anal rape after they are shot. And just before they die, we force them to apologize. This will all take place on national television, which no mass humiliation would be complete without."
So for all you smokers out there, three months left and then you'll be eating Big Brother's lead. Look at it this way, instead of a slow agonizing death from cancer it will be a quick agonizing death from Dick Cheney with a shotgun, that old guy in his quail hunting party didn't seem to mind...but then, you won't be making a full recovery.
World Continues On, Doomsayers and Prophets Shocked
Despite many prophetic warnings that the world would end last week, we are all still here. A man named Joe Wilson, calling himself the greatest prophet of our time after winning his football pool at work four times this year, predicted the end of the world would happen last week. Although my herpes broke out again (damn porn studio jobs), the world did not end as was fortold by the great Joe.
On the topic, he remarked, "I don't know what happened, the crossvectors of the universe must have been misaligned in such a way that my view of them was slightly skewed. Taking this into account, I would say that doomsday should be upon us by next Thursday, although it might be after midnight eastern time making it Friday, its too close to call without my equipment."
The equipment he referred to consists of a single rotted out tire tied to a tree branch which he puts over his head. He then stares at the sky, "Sometimes for hours," according to his wife, who now says, "If he can really see the future why doesn't he know that I'm seriously thinking about filing for divorce?"
Nostradamus also weighed in with one of his weekly mass death by vague means predictions. Unfortunately, he was unable to be reached for comment on account of the fact that he's been dead for centuries.
We were able to get in touch with God for an exclusive interview, he had this to say, "Don't you people get it? I'm fucking with you! Sure every once in a while I'll let somebody get a few right. Thats what makes this so much fun. You think you're on a roll, but its really just me saying, alright, I'll give him this one, because it'll be so much better to see the look on their faces when the world doesn't end. I want to add while I'm being so candid that Elvis is dead, Hitler is dead, when Buckner let that ball go between his legs, it wasn't a miracle, he was a jackass. I've been rooting for the Red Sox for 80 goddamn years, so I finally got involved. I can't do anything about terrorism, they work for somebody else and he's a dick when all us gods get together for dinner. Your mom cheated on your father in 1986. You'll be dead in 15 years, its cancer. And one last thing, if anyone asks, you never talked to Me, I don't want people thinking I've gone soft and started letting anyone know that I actually exist. I want to keep you people in the dark about it because faith is the most important thing." There were several minutes of laughing after He said this last thing, He then said, "Seriously"
Well God, thanks for the death warning (or threat as I like to think of it). And as per the orders of the Holy One, I will say this, I made up that whole interview with God thing...good joke huh? I'm gonna go cry for a couple of hours and contemplate what to do with my 15 years or so, maybe quit smoking. Anyway, good luck and, that sounds gay. Enjoy your lungs while they last because you never know when cancer will slowly develop and kill you...yeah, thats better.
Porn Studio Rocked by News that 1 in 5 of Their Artists Has Herpes
After intensive testing earlier this month, a top porn studio has learned that one in five of their actors has the sexually transmitted disease Herpes. The news came as a shock to the president of the company. When reached for comment, he had this to say, "I thought they were all very clean, careful people. Now I find out they've been out having unprotected sex and being wild party animals. What's going on in the world today when you can't count on your employees to maintain the sanctity of the porn industry." When asked what he would do with the knowledge, he said, "Well, we're going to have to spend a ton of money on rubbers now aren't we? I'm really very dissapointed but the show must go on, herpes or no."
Three employees who tested positive, Candy, Bubbles, and John were not so surprised, Candy said this, "I had 'em first and I figured it was just a rash or something so I think I mighta kinda given em to everyone else."
Bubbles chimed in, "It's ok baby, I always kinda wanted to know what a STD was like."
Then John said to me, "Hey man, you ever see a chancre up close before?" I graciously declined his horrific offer and took off.
I guess it just goes to show that even porn stars are human too. Very, very lucky humans...with chancres.
Superman Losing Powers and Maybe the Fight Against AIDS
Superman's powers further dwindled today from the prolonged absence of the yellow sun. He says this will not stop him from taking on his most dangerous adversary yet, AIDS. The Man of Steel intends to go ahead with plans to beat the deadly disease...out of each and every terminal patient. This news was a shock to close friends and family who say that until the sun comes back Superman has an average immune system and that kind of activity could put him in contact with a lot of infected blood.
A scientist who wishes to remain nameless agreed to give an interview yesterday, saying, "First of all, this is the stupidest thing I've ever heard of, to put these patients through an ordeal like that would be horrific and completely immoral. Second, if Superman becomes infected, and then he gets his powers back, there is a good chance that the virus will mutate into something completely uncontrollable. It would be the end of the world. I think this is probably the most irresponsible thing that anyone in the world has ever done ever."
Superman remained stolidly focused, "This disease is killing us one by one, it is worse than all the villians I've ever faced combined. Even Doomsday," Doomsday and Superman actually killed each other at one point...Superman came back, don't ask me how, I don't think anyone ever actually explained it. He went on to say, "I must press on in my crusade against this scourge and just hope that God will bring me through it."
Hats off to you Superman, ya big dumb animal. Faster than a speeding bullet and dumber than a braindead chipmunk. God bless you.President Bush sends aid to Katrina victims
President Bush sent the homeless and helpless citizens of Hurricane Katrina a large giftwrapped box earlier today. The box had a note on it that said, help has arrived. It took three malnourished homeless men to open the box but when they did their eyes lit up! It turned out to be a bomb that was ticking down its last three seconds. BOOM! Oh what a spectacle it was so bright and beautiful, of course it killed everyone left in the city. But watching from Texas the sky lit up more gorgeously than on the Fourth of July, which in Texas is also a time of blowing people up.
Bush later held a press conference saying that it was easier and more economically feasible to deal with a city full of dead people as opposed to just killing them one by one. He also said that he was the Yertle to New Orleans' Turtle and he knows what they're going through is hard but they are in a happier place now, with God and His Son Jesus Christ. He went on to say, "Hurricane Katrina is one of the worst hurricanes to ever hurricane its way up. The hurricane got up to very hurricanely speeds and hurricaned the crap out of this previously hurricaneless city."
Hurricane Katrina was a horrible disaster but when New Orleans gets cleaned up rest assured that Mardi Gras will be bigger and better than ever. With less homeless people.
Gates to Pay Robot to have Sex with Human; Cyborg Baby Inevitable
Microsoft announced today that it was teaming up with the country's leading bio-engineers in an effort to create a cyborg child. The child would have the ability to grow and learn like a normal human but would be super strong, like a robot. So far Bill Gates has been unsuccesful at giving the robot enough money to have sex with a human woman, "The next course of action is to try giving him a billion dollars and see if he'll do it."
If succesful, this will be the first cyborg baby ever born, of course, as it will be running windows, major errors are unavoidable. This reporter expects it will be the equivalent of an epileptic Robo-Cop, or the Terminator with Down Syndrome.
Indeed, if no amount of money works to lure the Cybertron 5000 into bed, Gates plans to try a female robot and a male human, citing the fact that, "Men will fuck anything with a vagina, even if the only reason its wet is because it's leaking battery acid."
Hell, maybe I'll have a go at uploading my data into that sweet, sweet hard drive, as long as she doesn't mind playing with my software for a while. Yeah yeah, it takes me a while to properly boot up. Let me know Mr. Gates, I'm the perfect guy to screw a robot.
President teaches English, Satan sips Peppermint Tea
In a continuously breaking story, President Bush has decided to step down from office, following his Vice President's advice in becoming an English teacher.
"Vice President Cheney has never steered me wrong before and I think this is a big step on the road to yieldless steadity in the educational system," the now ex-President was heard to say. He continued, "In my term as English teacher of Lincoln High, I will teach these kids unmercilessly! They will know the fear and glory of being in the presence of one of God's true servants. I plan on being tough but loving with these kids. I mean sure I'll kick someone out of the class for not knowing how to spell 'phlegm,' but I'll send them a fruit basket afterwise you can count your chickens on that."
The Vice President refused to comment, but me being the enterprising reporter that I am was listening intently outside his door when he was heard to say, "I guess we don't have to kill him for me to be President after all," well put Mr. VP.
In the aftermath of these happenings the grounds in front of the White House cracked open and issued forth great amounts of brimstone and other fiery objects. This caused quite a stir with security until they realized it was just Satan, joining the new President for some afternoon tea. The Dark Lord was also unavailable for comment, he did damn my cameraman to everlasting hell though, so anyone wanting the job should contact me about it ASAP.
More news of the ex-President, and how he is doing at his new school, will be issued as it becomes available. Although he is a world renowned Englishist, we'll see how well he crosses his i's and dots his t's when he's got to contend with a class full of rowdy kids who are all quite certain that they are better at English talking than him. For my heroes George W., Dick Cheney, and Satan, this is the man, the myth, the legend, God himself signing out. Me bless George Bush.
Overzealous Cop Killed by Stunned SUV Driver
An overzealous undercover police officer was killed in the line of duty today. Allegedly he was trying to stop a lawbreaking motorist on the highway and was struck by an SUV.
We interviewed the motorist in question.
"Yeah I'm driving along the highway, going the speed limit, smoking a butt. I finish and toss it out the window and all of a sudden this blue car blows by me on the right. He goes about forty yards down the road, gets in my lane, throws on his e-brake and cuts the wheel real sharp to the left. Smoke is flying everywhere, this guy is right in the middle of my goddamn lane. By the time I get over what just happened its way too late to stop, so I just went around him and kept going. I guess the guy behind me didn't get over that shit in time cuz they smashed up real good. What kind of cop does that?"
Fellow officers voiced their opinions too, "Yeah, Jonesy really hated littering. I could see him doing some crazy shit like that," one said.
"He didn't much care about the rules, he liked to think of himself as a vigilante," offered another.
We also talked briefly to Officer Jones' father, "The kid was an idiot when he was born and he was an idiot when he died, that's all there is to it. Now if you'll excuse me, Matlock is on."
As a follow up to any who were wondering, Matlock won his court case that day. Oh Mr. Matlock, you are very good indeed.
Truck Explodes: Drivers Become Daredevils and Psychotics
A Mack Truck exploded today after going under a bridge whose clearance, 12' 3" was just a little bit too low. The explosion took out the entire overpass and motorists gone mad trying to get home have begun "trying to jump it."
Few have been successful...and by few I mean none. But that doesn't stop them from trying, God bless their souls.
The driver of the truck perished and perhaps this will be a lesson to all truck drivers, make sure you check that clearance sign before you go because if you don't make it, you could blow up and die.
Several stunned bystanders were on the scene.
"Now I know why they have those clearance signs displayed so prominently," said one witness, "I always thought the truck would just get stuck and that would be it, but no, they explode like my brother's house on the fourth of July...which nobody ever proved nothin about."
"That's why I'll never drive a truck, " said another motorist who saw the explosion up close, "they explode at the slightest provocation and they drive really slow. Noo thank you, I'll stick with my 1993 Ford Mustang."
I tried to point out to the man that he was comparing apples and oranges and he told me he had a whole basket of oranges back home which he wouldn't be able to get to for hours because of this "waste of time and tax payers money."
"What they oughta do, " he said, "is make flying bridges so this kind of thing don't happen. Then, the sky's the limit, soon they could have bridges that attack terrorist cells and whatnot."
As I slowly backed away from the man and into my chopper, smiling and nodding the whole way, I reflected on the days events. 'Why did this great big truck have to die?' I thought, 'Maybe it was just the truck's time. Or maybe the driver was just a great big, barbecue flavored jerk. At least I got dibs on his calf. Mmmm.'
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Local Kids Find Out: Drugs Can Be Bad
A group of Somerset County teenagers decided that drugs were indeed "not cool" two nights ago when a friend of theirs began yelling and insisting that, "It's the apocalypse run for your fucking lives. Oh god, oh god, oh god."
The teen in question then leaped through the window and was heard to scream, "Oh shit!" just before his right leg and femur broke in at least four places and he passed out.
Following this incident the rest of the crew reportedly, "had a bad trip."
The police were called by a neighbor who heard the screams. When Officer Smith got there he found the boy sprawled out on the black top moaning something about the caterpillar in "Alice in Wonderland."
The officer then went inside to find six of the teens alleged friends allegedly, "freakin out man."
The teens were questioned, but of no help to the officer at the time.
This reporter got an interview with two of them after they were released from custody. Since they are under 18, I cannot divulge their real names. In the tradition of Dr. Seuss, of whom I am quite fond, I will call them Thing 1 and Thing 2.
"Everything was going great until that piece of shit started going ape shit," said Thing 1.
Thing 2 agreed, "All he had to do was chill out but no, he jumps out the fucking window. We were in the middle of trying to figure out what to do with his body...I mean with him when the cops came. We were gonna call them, I swear."
When asked if they would ever take the magic mushrooms again, the answer was a resounding no.
"Its all weed and booze from here on out," declared Thing 1.
"I still really wanna try acid," chimed in Thing 2.
"Yeah me too," Thing 1 agreed.
Me too fellas, me too. Keep on trucking.